Springfield professor seeks lovemate

Wiek 73 Z Springfield, Missouri Online Ponad 2 tygodni temu

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  • Widzę siebie jako osobę I'm from Sioux City, Iowa, on the Missouri River where Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota meet. I come from a working-class background. My dad worked in a factory and was part-time custodian at our Lutheran church. I worked at a packing plant in Dakota City, Nebraska to finance my way through my B.A. at a small college right across the street from my high school. Many of my friends did the same thing, so I hung with them & didn't get too much into the social life of the college. We were "gear-heads"--into fast muscle cars. I got a 57 Chevy at 16 & a 67 GTO at 19. I was always making them go faster & did a lot of unofficial racing. Surprising I never got caught.
    I stayed at the packing plant after college & commuted to get my M.A. at the University of South Dakota. I then got an assistantship into a Ph.D. program at the University of Toledo. So I got married & moved to Ohio. My first teaching job was at Northern Montana College (NMC), out on the dusty, cold, high plains. I hated it there, except the fishing was great. After one year as Assistant Director of the American West Center at the University of Utah, I got a Division Chair job at the University of Arts and Sciences of Oklahoma. But I didn't like being an administrator, so I jumped at the opportunity to get back into teaching and research. That's how I got to what was then Southwest Missouri State University.
    Everything so far I'm sure sounds real academic & not very modest. But I'm really not the "professor" type. There are lots of work-related things I can do at home, but I pretty much leave the academics at school & am a fairly regular guy. I like to garden. I love boating, fishing, & camping. I enjoy traveling, but I haven't done enough of it lately because divorces get expensive. I've been a runner and exerciser since my early twenties and try to stay fit and healthy.
    I've been divorced for a bit over 2 1/2 years. I have two great "twenty-something" daughters. My oldest, Brianna got her A.A from the local community college and has had a couple of office jobs. About a month ago she started working at a very successful collection agency. It's high pressure & lots to learn, but she's doing well, and it has good long-term potential. They're already interviewing to hire an assistant for her.
    When my ex moved out, my youngest daughter, Emily, and her now ex-boyfriend, Chris, still lived with me. Chris had lived with us for close to four years. He was a great guy, like the son I never had. But he had a major flaw--he didn't take the economic realities of life seriously enough. He often wasn't working, & that's why Emily broke up with him.
    I've always been a big Rock & Roll fan. Framed album covers of some of my favorites are in the background of some of the pictures in my profile--Bob Dylan, Bruce Springteen, the Beatles. I also really like the Rolling Stones, John Prine, the Eagles, the Grateful Dead, and at the top of my list is Jackson Browne. I've seen Bonnie Raitt, Bob Dylan, John Prine, and Jackson Browne live at MSU. Saw Eric Clapton in KC.
    A few months later Emily got an apartment. She worked at a hospital and now has gone back to finish her A.A. & get into a med-tech program. She moved in with Brianna to cut costs, & you can guess where she stored her appliances and furniture--her old room in my house.
    I like gardening, banging on my guitar, watching DVDs that I've borrowed from the university library or the Springfield Library Center and dubbed to watch when I have time. I especially like things outside of my field because I get too narrow in my work--teaching and researching American History, Indian History, and Environmental History. So it's anything from a history of the Vikings, to any number of histories of religion, biographies, ancient history, etc.
    I'm looking for an attractive woman who lives close to Springfield, Missouri, or is willing to relocate.
  • Znak Panna
Wygląd & Sytuacja Jaka jest twoja aktualna sytuacja? Opisz swój wygląd
  • Mój typ budowy Wysportowany
  • Mój wzrost 5' 7 (170 cm)
  • Moje Oczy Są Niebieski
  • Moje pochodzenie kaukaskie
  • Mój Stan Cywilny to Rozwiedziony
  • Mam Dzieci Tak - Poza Domem
  • Chcę Mieć Dzieci Nie
  • Moje Najlepsze Zalety To Klatka Piersiowa
  • Moje Włosy Są Brązowy
  • Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki Nie
Status Czym się zajmujesz?
  • Mój Poziom Edukacji To Dyplom Ukończenia Studiów Wyższych
  • Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To Pełen Etat
  • Moja Specjalność To Edukacja/Szkolnictwo Wyższe
  • Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To professor
  • Tyle Zarabiam Rocznie od $45,000USD do $59,999USD
  • Mieszkam Sam/Sama
  • W Domu Znajomi Odwiedzają Mnie Okazjonalnie
  • Jestem Palaczem Nie
  • Piję Alkohol Tak - Towarzysko
Osobowość Jak się zachowujesz? Jakie są twoje gusta?
  • Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To Ćwiczenia, Uprawianie Ogrodu, Kamping
  • Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To Spędzanie Czasu z Przyjaciółmi, Pójście Na Koncert, Wyjście Do Muzeum
Poglądy Poglądy na życie
  • Moja Religia To Nie Jestem Religijny
  • Uczęszczam w Nabożeństwach Nigdy
  • Mój Rodzaj Humoru To Oschły/Sarkastyczny
Gust, Smak Co lubisz robić?
  • W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam Wiadomości, Dokumentalne, Filmy
  • Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham Rock
  • Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po Biograficzne, Historyczne, Jestem Autorem Książek
Szukam Czego oczekujesz od swojego przyszłego partnera?
  • Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne? Inteligencja, Atrakcyjny Wygląd, Dowcipny
  • Jakiego Szukasz Związku? Przyjaciel, Randka, Intymny, Oddany

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