
Here is a lil sun shine right from Cape

Alder 49 Fra Welkom, South Africa Online Over 2 uger siden

Kvinde Søger en Mand

Grundlæggende oplysninger Fortæl os lidt om dig selv.
  • Jeg taler Engelsk
  • Jeg beskriver mig selv som I will not try to impress myself or anyone here. I think I have to be just me; humble, practical, understanding and deeply intuitive. I do enjoy the simple things in life, like a good laughter, a Cherie hello; a concerned how was your day today? I am happy for who I am, no regrets of anything in the past. I always know and believe that life is not a destination but a journey. It does not matter what our circumstances are in life but how we fare in the circumstance and what we chose to turn out to be. I prefer to have few close friends and associates than a whole bunch of so called friends who are nosey, and would not keep a simple confidence. Trust and mutual respect comes natural for me. A smile on your face keeps the frowns away. Most times I get bored with so many stories from girls who worry about outward beauty and never bother to stop and think about the inward beauty. I mean all the good character and quality traits that make you human and sweet. Are you dependable? Do you work hard for an honest living? How much can you sacrifice your comforts to see your partner be where he wants to be in life? Is success in life all about money and material affluence? I have lived long enough to distinguish between pleasure, happiness and joy. They may look like the same but truth is they connote three different things. I would rather have joy than happiness let alone pleasure. Fortunately in joy you find both pleasure and happiness and never the other way round.
  • Underskriv Vædderen
Udseende & Situation Hvad er din nuværende situation? Beskriv dit udseende.
  • Min kropstype er Gennemsnitlig
  • Min højde er 168 cm
  • Mine øjne er Brun
  • Min etnicitet er Kaukasisk
  • Min civilstand er Skilt
  • Jeg har børn Nej
  • Jeg vil have børn Ikke sikker
  • Mit bedste karaktertræk er Smil
  • Kropsudsmykning Piercet... Men kun øre(r)
  • Mit hår er Sort
  • Villig til at flytte Nej
Status Hvad laver du?
  • Mit uddannelsesniveau er Universitetsgrad
  • Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er Fuldtid
  • Mit speciale er Administration / ledelse
  • Min jobtitel er Adminitrative
  • Jeg bor Alene
  • Hjemme Venner kommer forbi en gang i mellem
  • Jeg er ryger Nej
  • Jeg drikker Ja - til fester
Personlighed Hvordan handler du? Hvilken smag har du?
  • I gymnasiet var jeg Gennemsnitlig
  • Min sociale opførsel er Venlig
  • Mine interesser og hobbier er Motion, Læsning, Læring, Musik, Film, Familie, Spise til middag, Religion / Spiritualitet, Rejser, Madlavning, Camping, Frivilligt
  • Min idé om at have det sjovt er Være hjemme, I biografen, Læse en bog, Tage til koncert
  • En ideel første date ville være One that will be good enough to tell my grand children one day.
  • Jeg har altid villet prøve Surfing and diving.
  • Mine venner beskriver mig som Venlig
Synspunkter Syn på livet.
  • Min religion er Spirituel, men ikke religiøs
  • Jeg deltager i tjenester En enkelt gang
  • Mit mål i livet er To celebrate life, live it to my full potential and to have joy.
  • Min form for humor er Venlig
Smag Hvad kan du lide?
  • I tv ser jeg altid Nyheder, Tegnefilm, Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Gør-det-selv, Film, Sport, Reality Shows, Sæbeoperaer
  • Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en Handling, Comedy, Romantik, Drama
  • Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til Land, Pop, Klassisk, Blues, Jazz, Latin, Soul, Reggae, Gospel, Folk
  • Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid Nyheder, Selvbiografi, Biografi, Business, Sundhed, Historie, Humor, Gør-det-selv, Musik, Natur, Filosofi, Politisk
  • Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er Being with people I care about and doing anything that makes us happy at that moment, something that we can also remember and laugh about in the future.
Leder efter Hvad søger du?
  • Hvad finder du attraktivt? Intelligens, Humor, Empati, Morsom, Omtanke
  • Hvad leder du efter? We both need to understand that we are each a complete individual first before we are US. Someone that best compliments me and I him. He makes me smile and cry at the same time. He is protective but not obsessed. We both know when to give each other needed space and quiet time for me time. Mutual trust and a resolve never to knowingly say or do things that hurt each other’s ego, feelings and emotions. I want honesty kindness to each other; and a willingness to look after each other’s ambitions and success and joy.
  • Hvilken type forhold leder du efter? Ven, Dato, Intim, Forpligtet

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