Featuring: Local Moms Austin Pennsylvania - Join Our Free Dating Site Today!

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Lost by many need found by a real man

Age 40 From Johnstown, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (218 Miles Away)

I’m a single mommy of one my son just turned 6months he’s my life this year has been very ruff sad times but my sons smiles complete my happiness I love to travel an get out an do things I demand respect an not into games

I love to joke and laugh.

Age 40 From Hermitage, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (159 Miles Away)

Someone financially stable. I am NOT looking to be supported but I also DO NOT want to support you. I want to find my equal, my partner. Someone to share the special moments with.

Don’t give up

Age 47 From Langhorne, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (426 Miles Away)

I am an easy going person. I love to cook and watch and play sports but most important spend time with my two sons.

BBW looking for a funny guy!

Age 42 From Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (352 Miles Away)

Single momma of a teenager so I can handle anything you throw at me! I need someone with a sense of humor because I love to laugh. You can't take life too seriously. I love Marvel movies (I'm a bit a nerd in that sense), love being with friends...

Looking For My Better Half

Age 47 From Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (327 Miles Away)

I am looking for someone who is kind, loving, has a good sense of humor, loves kids and will accept me for who I am and not try to change me.

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