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Newest Members who have just joined up:

Hi!! I’m new to this

Age 41 From Valentine, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (930 Miles Away)

im Looking for someone with good communication, outgoing, funny and spontaneous.


Age 51 From Holdrege, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (863 Miles Away)

Laid back willing to try anything

80s girl at heart

Age 48 From Omaha, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (687 Miles Away)

Music is one of my favorite things. I can get lost in the lyrics and emotions of the song. I prefer 80s, rock, disco, etc. Not much a heavy metal or country fan. I love to laugh and have fun. I am always up for an adventure. I love action and comedy...

Looking for Mr Right not Mr Rightnow

Age 47 From Kearney, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (853 Miles Away)

I am a single mom of 2 wonderful kids. I like doing outdoor activities, anything that will make my kids smile. I also like dressing up and going on the town, cuddling on the couch to watch a movie or playing a game with the kids.

The Girl Of Your Dreams

Age 37 From Omaha, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (696 Miles Away)

Im a hardworking, determind single mother. I work REAL hard for what I have, plan goals and enjoy the challenge of reaching them. I Love the fact that im independent business woman but the life does get lonely. I love everything God created and...

Looking for friends

Age 52 From Gretna, Nebraska - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (699 Miles Away)

I am a single mom of two wonderful boys. I work 2 jobs and am going to school to be a surgical tech. Am looking for someone who is honest and open minded.

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