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Now accepting Applications!!

Age 45 From Milford, Massachusetts - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1425 Miles Away)

Hi! i am a divorced single mom of 3 kids! Ages 10, 8, and 5. I love dogs, and I have 2. I work 2 jobs. I am looking for a relationship. No hookups. No friends with benefits. I am not looking for drama. I love coffee. I am a glass is half full kinda...

Smarmaud pls Tamurphy2msncom

Age 48 From Foxboro, Massachusetts - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1438 Miles Away)

I have a 14 year old boy. I like cooking, cleaning and quite evenings during the week but I prefer stimulation on weekend. work GHA-EGE-DAID DECODE simpe for smarty

Lovely mom of three kids looking for man

Age 52 From Worcester, Massachusetts - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1412 Miles Away)

As easy going smart funny love to have fun Iam no super model nor am I five hundred pounds lets just say I have all the curves in the right places I drink occasionally don't smoke i work with autistic kids I love doing family things I have three kids...

looking to meet a honest kind guy

Age 55 From Pembroke, Massachusetts - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1460 Miles Away)

I am strong and very independent I have many hobbies working out, bike riding,skiing, I love swimming the beach and riding my motorcycle. My son is my first priority but I would like to have someone special to share my life with. I have a good job...

Looking for a honest man

Age 46 From Avon, Massachusetts - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1449 Miles Away)

I am a single mother of two boys During the week I babysit ...in my free time I like to go to the movies go for walks I love to listen to music and just have a good time with whatever I do . I am NOT looking for a hook up if That's what you are...

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